All Of The Above – Tony Carter

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Face parte din Centrul de Melodii Let’s Dance, adică locul în care mii de miri și-au ales melodia de nuntă.

Este cântată de Tony Carter și este o melodie Cu Versuri în limba Engleză.

Coregrafia pentru dansul mirilor poate fi alcătuită din pași care aparțin stilurilor: Foxtrot, Slow Dance.

Îți mai putem spune că este: Lentă, Romantică - De Dragoste.



“I could see it in your eyes
From the moment we first met
There was something different about you
I couldn’t see myself without you

Now I know what it is
That makes me love you like I do
It’s all that I’ve been longing for
I don’t have to look for it anymore

You give me something to believe in
A hope that I can build on
A trust and a devotion
I’m caught up in emotion…

Will I walk beside you
Will I give my heart away
Will I hold you in my arms at night
Will I bow my head and pray

Will I promise to be faithful
Will I do this every single day
Will I be there to protect you
Will I keep the vow I’ve made

Will I give you all of my love
I say yes…to all of the above…

You can see it in my eyes
When we are close together
The feelings that I just can’t hide
Things that my heart can’t deny

Now I know what it is
That makes me love you like I do
You’re all that I’ve been longing for
I don’t have to look for you anymore”